GREAT GOALS, UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: How to handle the complexity of our technology, and make true progress for our social and environmental well being Immediate Media Release | August 7, 2019 (updated on August 19, 2019) | Workshop Date: On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 | Venue: Salt Lake City Palace, Utah Room# 151 DEF | Time: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
In the Spring 2019, the Director of the Media Education Center in Belgrade introduced me to a new ‘Handbook for Journalism Education and Training’ from UNESCO (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, in Paris).
MEC Director Miomir Rajcevic introduced me to the ‘handbook’ that is in fact a full course workup, reviewing at first what has been called ‘fake news,’ but discusses the topic in much greater detail – and its title betrays its thoughts on the subject.
1.1 We, the young people from 33 countries around the world, attended the 19th Melaka International Youth Dialogue (MIYD), convened in Melaka from 23rd – 27th June, 2019 for an annual programme organized by the World Assembly of Youth (WAY).
Following a field expedition in India, Heather Koldewey, co-lead of the National Geographic Society’s Plastic Work and Sara Hylton, an award-winning photographer from National Geographic explain that people are unable to make the connection between dumping plastic into rivers and the impact on ocean pollution.
Anadolu yarımadasına eskil-antik dönemlerde; Hatti, Hitit, Lidya, Likya, Mysa, Urartu, Mitanni, Ceneviz, Pontus, Trak, Bitinya, Makedonya, Roma gibi uygarlıklar kuranların tümü de Balkanlardan yeraltı kaynaklarını işletmek üzere gelen göçlerdir. Batı Anadolu’da yayılan Lidya’nın Perslerce yıkılmasının ana nedeni de, varsıl altın varlığıdır.
Keynote speech by Olcay UNVER, Ph.D. Vice-Chair, UN-Water 10th Water Research Horizon Conference 18-19 June, 2019, Hannover, Germany
“Right now, we are at a cross roads. Billions still lack safe water and sanitation, water pollution is worsening, there is too little funding, agriculture places enormous stress on water and our governance systems are weak.”
On Thursday April 11, The Light Millennium led and hosted a UN related side event under the theme of Peace, Women, Security & Secularism (PWSS) in reflection of the 19th Anniversary of the Unite Nations Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. Along with the UNSCR #1325 & Secularism main concept, the event presented in support of and in conjunction with the SDGs 5, 16 and 17.
Report on the UNSCR 1325 On PEACE, WOMEN, SECURITY & SECULARISM Event by: Jonathon CUMMINGS, Partnership Manager, World Human Accountability Organization & in collaboration with Bircan Ünver, The Light Millennium
CONFERENCE ON PEACE, WOMEN, SECURITY & SECULARISM Towards the 19th Anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women and Peace and Security and in support of SDGs #5, #16 and #17 by Sevgin OKTAY, Representative of The Light Millennium to the UN Department of Global Communications