[25 Eylül 2020] Haziran ayı ortalarında Cumhurbaşkanlığı Yüksek İstişare Kurulu Toplantısı’nda Ermeni sorununa ilişik bir toplantı yapıldı. Yaklaşık 5 saat süren toplantıda ne gibi kararlar alındığına dek bir açıklama olmadı. Bu haberden sonra hükümetin Ermeni sorununda ne gibi bir adımlar atacağı bilinmiyor; ancak vakit geçirmeden yapılacak çok şey var.
“The people who established the Republic of Turkey are the Turkish people.” In this description Turkish does not contain any reference to an ethnicity but references a group of people (free from any ethnicity or religion) who had fought and worked together to establish the Republic of Turkey. “
[Interview 2 of 2 ] TurkishLibrary.Us proudly presents an exclusive interview with the President, Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), GÖKHAN ÖZALP on the ATAA’s 40th Anniversary Celebration along with the 100th Anniversary of the start of Turkish War of Independence and Turkish Revolution through a long-day Conference in Arlington, DC on October 5, 2019.
TurkishLibrary.Us proudly presents an exclusive interview with the President, Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), GÖKHAN ÖZALP on the ATAA’s 40th Anniversary Celebration along with the 100th Anniversary of the start of Turkish War of Independence and Turkish Revolution through a long-day Conference in Arlington, DC on October 5, 2019.