“If we care about advancing human development, if we care about equality, if we care about achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, then we need to run this race together—because when you want to go fast, go alone, when you want to go far, go together.” How far do we want to go?”
Presented by Jonathan CUMMINGS, Partnership Manager, World Human Accountability Organization
Event on Thursday, April 11, 2019 Draft Concept Note
Towards the 19th Anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution
S/RES/1325 (2000) & In support of the SDG#5, SDG#16 and SDG#17
This event aims to support and create
awareness on the United Nations Security Council Resolution #1325 (2000)
in correlation with the concept of “Secularism”,
which is the missing key component of the #1325 framework. It also aims
to introduce the SDGS#5, 16 and 17 to the general public in conjunction with
the #1325 towards the attainment of the 2030 Development Agenda.
67th Annual UN.DPI/NGO Conference
United Nations Head Quarters New York | 22-23 August 2018 Highlights from the: Opening Plenary Session, Round Tables & Open Forum
Sevgin OKTAY, The Light Millennium NGO Representative to the United Nations Department of Public Information
“Just 42 people own half the wealth of the world” …
“Civil society is bigger than any government.”
There are amazing things brewing at the United Nations, in which several The Light Millennium NGO representatives are privileged to participate.
And all this was aimed at “We the Peoples… TogetherFinding Global Solutions for Global Problems” under the commitment to redouble UN.DPI/NGO efforts “to establish people-centered multilateral cooperation in a spirit of global citizenship.” Accordingly, we the NGOs called upon states, corporations, institutions, and other collective and individual stakeholders to join our efforts. By so doing, together we will further the 2030 Agenda” for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and “ensure that no one is left behind.”
Summary from Innovation Talk:
Presented by Olcay ÜNVER, PhD.
January 25, 2018
McCord Hall, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
This talk is about the challenge of feeding an increasingly hungry world against a backdrop of resource degradation, inefficiencies, loss and waste, and the impacts of a changing climate. The state of affairs in many of these are far from desirable, and some are projected to worsen as the competition for natural resources increases. Yet, there is reason for optimism, manifested in some of the trends that we are now observing and in the resolve of the international community, that is, governments, civil society and private sector to address the challenge. [Read more…] about WATER AND AGRICULTURE AS PART OF THE SOLUTION